RegistryKey SetValue
RegistryKey SetValue


RegistryKey.SetValue(string, object, RegistryValueKind) ...

ThisisSetValue,amemberofclassRegistryKey.VisualBasic.PublicFunctionSetValue(nameAsstring ...

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2013年1月25日 — Open the key where you want to create your subkey and assign it to a RegistryKey variable. Add a true Boolean to mark it as writeable.


2015年6月10日 — I have already tried the microsoft approach: Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key; key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(SOFTWARE ...


2018年1月6日 — Heya, I was just playing around with your script to modify some registry entries. When I tried to save the following error occurred: Fatal ...

RegistryKey.SetValue Method (Microsoft.Win32)

Sets the value of a name/value pair in the registry key. Depending on the overload, the registry data type is determined from the type of data being stored ...

RegistryKey.SetValue 方法(Microsoft.Win32)

若要在索引鍵中設定值,您必須以寫入許可權開啟密鑰。 開啟具有寫入許可權的金鑰之後,您可以變更該索引鍵中的任何名稱/值組。

RegistryKey.SetValue 方法作为字符串存储整数值转载

2007年3月28日 — 文章浏览阅读2.1k次。Microsoft.Win32 命名空间中RegistryKey 类包含称为SetValue 方法。 此方法用于系统注册表中存储值。 SetValue 方法中第一个参数 ...

RegistryKey.SetValue(string, object) Method

This is SetValue, a member of class RegistryKey. Visual Basic. Public Function SetValue( name As string ...

RegistryKey.SetValue(string, object, RegistryValueKind) ...

This is SetValue, a member of class RegistryKey. Visual Basic. Public Function SetValue( name As string ...

Working with Windows Registry

2022年5月5日 — NET Framework Library provides two classes - Registry and RegistryKey to work with the registry. ... SetValue method to write a value and key.

[C#] Registrykey 登錄機碼的新增、修改、刪除、讀取

RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(@SOFTWARE-RegistryKeyTest); string value = registryKey.GetValue(Path)?.ToString();. 刪除:


2013年1月25日—OpenthekeywhereyouwanttocreateyoursubkeyandassignittoaRegistryKeyvariable.AddatrueBooleantomarkitaswriteable.,2015年6月10日—Ihavealreadytriedthemicrosoftapproach:Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeykey;key=Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(SOFTWARE ...,2018年1月6日—Heya,Iwasjustplayingaroundwithyourscripttomodifysomeregistryentries.WhenItriedtosavethefollowingerroroccurre...